Digital Art
Digital Art
Digital Art
2019-2020 HIGHLIGHTS


SMArt collaborated with the University of Windsor's Sci of Relief initiative to create science-themed colouring pages to help students relieve some stress before the approaching exam season. We hope it helped students pass with flying colours!

November 14th was the third annual Birds and Beer event held at Walkerville Brewery. This event brings ornithological research to the enthusiastic birding community of Windsor. It's always great to see these events take flight every year.

SMArt collaborated with the Astronomical Society of Canada - Windsor Branch to put on a gallery exhibit featuring astronomical art pieces ranging from paintings to celestial poetry. Critics say it was "out of this world!".

LGBTQ+ in STEM conference was where SMArt unveailed their new series of posters. With all posters sporting the phrase "science is inclusive of all discoveries and peoples", its safe to say we think diversity in science is a SMArt idea!

Highschool students from around Windsor-Essex came to the University of Windsor to participate in the week-long Science Academy. Well done future SMArtists!